Economy and Society in the Digital Age 2019 Edition

This edition gathers official statistics on the digital transformation of the French economy and society. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

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Paru le :Paru le04/11/2019
Sébastien Hallépée, Amélie Mauroux (Dares)
L'économie et la société à l'ère du numérique- November 2019

Does Teleworking Improve the Working Conditions of Executives?

Sébastien Hallépée, Amélie Mauroux (Dares)

The professional use of information and communication technologies is increasing and facilitates the development of telework, particularly among executives. In 2017, 11% of executives worked remotely at least one day a week, compared with just 3% among employees as a whole. Teleworkers benefit from a more flexible work environment and reduced commuting times. Nevertheless they don’t better balance their work and personal life as they tend to work longer and atypical schedules. Firm-level collective agreements on telework play a protective role in this regard. Working remotely also implies isolation: executives who often work remotely (2 days a week or more) feel a lack of help from their colleagues and management. However, teleworkers continue to have good relationships with colleagues and tend to be just as involved in collective action taken by workers’ representatives. Teleworkers are also more likely to face major organisational changes, thus to have a perception of higher job insecurity. They also report poorer health and a higher risk of depression compared to non-teleworkers. However, the surveys used provide no indication as to whether their poorer health status pre-dates the introduction of telework and are a reason for working remotely or, conversely, whether telework has played a role in their state of health. All in all, teleworkers are no more or less satisfied with their jobs than their colleagues.

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Paru le :04/11/2019