The French Economy 2019 Edition

As it does every year, The French Economy - Accounts and Dossiers presents a summary of the essential movements having affected the French and global economies of the past year.

To do so, the paper relies on the French National Accounts, based on 2014, published by INSEE [French office of national statistics] at the end of May 2019.

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Paru le :Paru le09/07/2019
Victor Barry, Thibault Cruzet, Dominique Demailly, Bruno Patier (Insee)
L'économie française - Comptes et dossiers- July 2019

In 2018, the French economy slowed down, after strong growth in 2017

Victor Barry, Thibault Cruzet, Dominique Demailly, Bruno Patier (Insee)

In 2018, the French economy slowed down: gross domestic product grew by 1.7 % in volume, after +2.3% in 2017. Domestic demand excluding inventory slowed down (contribution of +1.3 points to GDP growth in 2018 against +2.1 points in 2017). Household consumption slackened more (+0.9% after +1.4%) than the purchasing power of gross disposable income (+1.2% after +1.4%). On the public demand side, the collective consumption of general government also slowed down (+0.8% after +1.5%). Investment decelerated sharply in 2018 – especially household investment (+2.0% after +6.6%) – while public investment gathered pace (+2.4% after +0.3%).

Changes in inventories made a negative contribution to the growth of activity in 2018 (–0.3 points after +0.2 points in 2017). However, the contribution of foreign trade improved to +0.7 GDP points against –0.1 point in 2017: in fact, exports slowed but to a lesser extent than imports. The margin rate of non-financial corporations fell substantially (–0.5 points) and stood at 31.2% due to the slowdown in productivity gains and the rise in oil prices.

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Paru le :09/07/2019