Household income and wealth 2013 Edition

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Paru le :Paru le24/04/2013
Cédric Houdré, Nathalie Missègue, Juliette Ponceau
Les revenus et le patrimoine des ménages- April 2013

Inequalities in standards of living and poverty

Cédric Houdré, Nathalie Missègue, Juliette Ponceau

In 2010, the standards of living of the majority of the population stagnated or fell, after having increased slightly in the previous year. Set against the historic drop in GDP in 2009, followed by a moderate recovery in economic activity in 2010, this result illustrated the powerful stabilising role of the French system of compulsory contributions and social transfers. Nonetheless, within the whole population, the most modest individuals have been particularly affected since the crisis. On the other hand, the standards of living enjoyed by the wealthiest 5% improved, after stagnating in 2009. Among the latter, for the 1% of wealthiest people, the start of the crisis interrupted a period of strong growth in declared income (+5.5% annually on average from 2004 to 2008). Their income increased more strongly in 2010 than that of others, under the effect of property income. For the second consecutive year, the rate of monetary poverty increased to reach 14.1% of the population in 2010. The increase in poverty in 2010 affected families in particular. 2.7 million children lived in poor families in 2010. They lived more often with one parent without a job or in an insecure job than other children. The situation of the parent or parents regarding the job market and the number of brothers or sisters are the main risk factors for poverty among children.

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Paru le :24/04/2013