Household income and wealth 2013 Edition

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Paru le :Paru le24/04/2013
Les revenus et le patrimoine des ménages- April 2013

Summary - April 2013 - Household income and wealth

With “Household income and wealth” INSEE presents the main indicators and analyses on household monetary inequality, poverty and wealth. The 2013 edition provides an overview that looks back on the changes in inequalities in standards of living and monetary policy caused by the 2008 crisis. Two articles study the evolution of the standard of living of elderly people between 1996 and 2009 and household debt in 2010. Finally, some thirty thematic sheets complete these analyses by supplying the latest essential figures, with comments and illustrations, on income, the standard of living, poverty, wealth and indebtedness.

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Paru le :24/04/2013