Training and employment 2013 Edition

With “Training and employment” INSEE presents the main analyses on those leaving the education system, their integration and training throughout life.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le04/12/2013
Formations et emploi- December 2013

Themed information sheets - Integration of young people - Training and employment - Insee Références - 2013 Edition

13 sheets: Active young people aged 15 to 29 - Unemployment in the professional integration phase - Under-employment - Employment status - Young people in assisted jobs - Socio-occupational categories - Wages - Economic activity sectors - Start-of-career trajectories - Start-of-career mobility and situation - Start-of-career inequalities - Area of training and employment of young people - Training and employment of young people by region

Insee Références

Paru le :04/12/2013