Training and employment 2013 Edition

With “Training and employment” INSEE presents the main analyses on those leaving the education system, their integration and training throughout life.

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Paru le :Paru le04/12/2013
Béatrice Le Rhun, Daniel Martinelli, Claude Minni, Isabelle Recotillet
Formations et emploi- December 2013

Background and integration of young people with no qualifications

Béatrice Le Rhun, Daniel Martinelli, Claude Minni, Isabelle Recotillet

The share of young people leaving initial training without a qualification has stabilised at around 17% since the middle of the 1990s. These young people were more often than the others from deprived backgrounds or immigrants. They were integrated under different conditions according to their level of studies, those finishing the last year of their high school studies finding a job more easily than young people having finished their studies after secondary school or during the course preparing for the CAP-BEP. All things being equal, the social and national origins of these young people had an appreciable influence on their level of studies but also on their integration for a given level of studies. Seven year after the end of their initial training, the professional situation of young people without qualifications has often still not stabilised. A quarter of them return to studies after taking up working life and obtain a diploma. This diploma, generally obtained one to three years after leaving, allows them to significantly improve their professional prospects.

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Paru le :04/12/2013