Business Demography Information System 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Classification system

French classification of activities, Rev 2 (NAF 2008 rev 2).

Sector coverage

Industry, construction, trade and services, i.e. sections B to S (except section O) of the NACE classification.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Enterprise birth corresponds to the creation of a new combination of production factors with the restriction that no other enterprise is involved in the event. Enterprise births are indeed legal units creations (see Definition of Enterprise birth).

The creation of an establishment is defined consistently with the creation of an enterprise, and corresponds to the implementation of new means of production (see definition of the creations of establishments).

Statistical unit

The main statistical units used by SIDE are legal units and local units.

Statistical population

The scope covered by SIDE is made up of legal units that are :

  • productive, i.e. producing goods or services ;

  • and belong to the market sector, or that sell goods or services at an economically significant price. Units whose operations are not mainly financed by a market activity (administrations, local authorities, social organizations, non-market associations, etc.) are therefore excluded.

The sectoral scope includes industry, construction, trade and services. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries are therefore not covered by business demography statistics on legal units and local units.

The local units covered by the SIDE system are those within the sectoral scope of business demography and belonging to market producer legal units.

Some local units may therefore belong to the business demography scope, whereas the legal unit does not. Conversely, some legal units may include local units that do not fall within the sectors covered by business demography. This is particularly true of related sectors such as agriculture, forestry and the food industry.

Time coverage

Data on births of enterprises and establishments are available from 2012 onwards.