Compilation of Employment Estimates

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Politique de diffusion

Release calendar

Annual data of year N are updated twice a year:

  • Fall of N+1: provisionnal data

  • March of N+3: final data, but the pace is accelerating. The goal is to release 2020 data by the end of year N+2, 2021 data by June N+2 and subsequent years by the Spring N+2.

Three updates for quarterly data:

  • About 45 days after the end of the quarter: << Flash >> estimates of national employment (paid employment in the private sector)

  • About 70 days after the end of the quarter: Estimates of national employment (paid employment, public and private sector)

  • About 90 days after the end of the quarter: local estimates at the << régions >> and << département >> levels (paid employment, public and private sector)

Release calendar access

The release calendar is posted online with at least a 3 months notice on

User access

General public