Survey on capabilities, help and resources for seniors living in households 

Care Households

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

The survey CARE ménages was conducted by INSEE agents between May and mid October 2015.
- the senior part was done face-to-face;
- the caregiver component was carried out either face-to-face (when the caregiver was present at the time of the senior interview and agreed to answer) or by telephone.

The survey CARE institutions was conduced between Septembre and Decembre 2016. Institution and Senior pars done fadce-to-face, caregiver part done by telephone.

The project management of the households survey is carried out by INSEE.

The operation is designed in partnership with a design group including:
- The Central Agricultural Social Mutual Fund (CCMSA)  ;
- The National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV)  ;
- The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)  ;
- The national solidarity office for autonomy.  (CNSA) ;
- The Directorate for Social Communication (DGCS) ;
- The National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED)  ;
- National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm);
- The Institute for Research and Documentation in Health Economics (Irdes) ;
- House of Social Sciences for disability (MSSH);
- The University of Paris 1;
The National Union of Family Associations (Unaf) has joined this group, which has been transformed into an operating group.

Collection mode

  • Face to face by interviewer
  • By phone

Survey unit


Sampling method

The sample of CARE ménages consists of 15,000 individuals for the senior section and approximately 8,000 individuals for the caregiver section.

The sample of CARE institutions consists of 700 institutions in 30 departements, 3,300 individuals for the senior section and 3,000 individuals for the caregivers section.