Survey on capabilities, help and resources for seniors living in households 

Care Households

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Statistical concepts and definitions

Seniors' section
- Common core of householdss
- Dependency
- Health (including European mini-module and deficiencies)
- Use of care and accommodation
- Functional limitations
- Restrictions on activities
- Accessibility
- Aids
- Technical aids
- Accommodation arrangements
- Human Aids
- Financial help
- Income, Allowances and Benefits
- Regular Expenditures and Household Constraints
Caregivers' section
- The caregiver's relationship with the carereceiver,
- The human, financial and material help provided by the caregiver,
- The consequences of the aid (on health, working life, family life, leisure)
- Benefits related to the loss of autonomy that the aided person could not have informed.

The institution section includes some general questions about the institution, people of the survey are select based on the lists of each institution.
The institution delivers some information on each selected senior : day of arrival, GIR, allowances.

Statistical population

CARE ménages : Individuals aged 60 or over living in "ordinary" dwellings, that is to say not in communities (old people's homes, EHPAD retirement homes, homes, prisons, hospitals ...) and mobile homes (sailors, homeless people …), sellect based on deficiency risk by the VQS survey.

Persons living in sheltered housing have been included.

CARE institutions : people aged 60 or over living permanently in retirement housing (EHPAD, SLD, other retirement housing).

Caregivers' section : Individuals declared to be an helping relative by the senior.