Single electoral register 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The register is structured around two tables: those of voters containing the elements of personal data (in connection with the national register of people - RNIPP) and that of attachments containing the elements of registration on an electoral list ( municipality or consulate, date and reason for registration / cancellation, address, type of list, etc.).

The register also contains the elements for managing events linked to the register: request for registrations or cancellations, electoral disabilities, etc.

Classification system

Geographical nomenclatures : municipalities and country of birth, up-to-date list in real time of municipalities and consulates and of the various geographic divisions linked to elections (municipalities, counties, legislative districts, etc.). SER needs up-to-date real-time geography. It therefore manages its own list of municipalities outside the official geographic code (COG), the updates of which are delayed.

Statistical concepts and definitions

An elector is an individual defined by marital status, electoral rights and entries on electoral rolls ("attachments").

An attachment is a link over a given period between a voter and an electoral list.

An Electoral List Management Unit (Ugle) is a legal unit in charge of the management of the electoral lists, either a commune, a consulate or a district for the cities of Paris, Lyon and Marseille.

Electoral lists are the lists of voters registered with an Electoral List Management Unit (Ugle) enabling them to take part in certain elections.

The main electoral lists (communal) are intended for voters of French nationality: they are kept by the communes.

Supplementary (communal) electoral lists for non-French voters of the European Community. They are kept by the communes and come in two versions: a European version (entitling the holder to vote in European elections) and a municipal version (entitling the holder to vote in municipal elections).

The consular lists are the electoral lists for French voters living abroad: they are kept by the consulates.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

All voters enrolled on a french electoral list (excluding New-Caledonia)

Time coverage

Permanent since January 1, 2019, date of opening of the register.