All employees databases 2021

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Documentation on methodology

The All Employees database is built from an computer processing chain called PIRENES. It was developed to take into account the specificities linked to the arrival of the DSN but also to preserve, as far as possible, the methodology of the processing carried out on the DADS.

The PIRENES chain is based on a complete processing of each DSN from its reception:

  • a process of validating the SIRETs from the Sirus repository or, failing that, by querying the Sirene directory

  • a phase of coding the socio-professional category (PCS) on 4 positions according to the PCS-ESE nomenclature, the first two positions of the PCS (Profession and Socioprofessional Category) making it possible to reduce to the CS.

  • a coding phase for the commune of residence, based on the postcode declared in the DSN

  • a phase of internal consistency in the DSN between the variables relating to the elements of remuneration once the 12 months of declarations have been aggregated.

  • a phase of calculation of gross and net salaries reconstructed from the various remuneration elements available in the social declarations.

Data on employees of the three branches of the public service from the SIASP application and data on employees of private individuals are integrated into the PIRENES chain at the end of processing and benefit from the adjustments specific to their original application.

Data from SIASP are subject to the same types of statistical processing as those carried out on the private sector.