All employees databases

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

The All employees databases are annual statistical files containing individual data on every employee, produced from administrative declarations by employers. For each year "N" there is an All employees database which includes information on year "N" and year "N-1". These databases provide information on the type of job and remuneration received for each employee. The All employees databases enable the french national statistical office Insee to produce structural statistics on wages and employment.

The scope of pubilcation includes the employees of the private sector and public enterprises, those of the three branches of the civil service, and the employees of individual employers.

Several sources are mobilised to constitute each of these three scopes.

In the private sector, annual salaries and the number of employees are mainly derived from the Déclaration Sociale Nominative (DSN) which, since 2016, have gradually replaced the former Déclaration Annuelle de Données Sociales (DADS).

Information on the three public services comes from the Système d'information sur les agents du service public (Siasp), which uses two main sources: the DADS (for the territorial and hospital civil services) and the payroll files of State employees (for the State civil service), as well as the DSN since 2020.

In the scope of Private Individuals' Employees, wage declarations are used within the framework of the following schemes: chèque emploi service universel (Cesu), prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant (Paje) and déclaration nominative simplifiée (DNS).

Once the data are received and statistically controlled and adjusted, they are grouped together in a database covering all employees, called the All employees database (formerly called "DADS-large format").

As a reminder, the 2017 vintage was the first to use Nominative Social Declarations (DSN) in the private sector ( All employees database 2017).

This new data source replaces most social declarations, and in particular the annual social data declarations (DADS), as part of the simplification of administrative procedures for companies (Warsmann law of March 22, 2012).

Documentation par millésimes

Administrative data


Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics 
