All employees databases 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The All employees database makes it possible to describe all employees in a given year according to their characteristics and those of the establishments employing them. The database includes 4 files:

  • the << Jobs>> file in which a line represents an employee in an establishment (for example, if an employee works in two different establishments during the year, two lines will be present in the jobs file). It contains data on the job (wages, working time, etc.) and on the establishment (sector, size, etc.).

  • the<< Employees>> file, in which one line represents an employee. It contains the characteristics of his or her "main job" (highest salary or longest working hours) and the cumulative salaries and hours worked across all the employee's jobs.

  • the << Establishment >> file , published since the 2018 vintage. It contains indicators on number of jobs at the establishment level, by different criteria (age, job categories, etc.).

  • the << Enterprise>> file, published since the 2018 vintage. It contains indicators on number of jobs at the enterprise level, by different criteria (age, job categories, etc.).

The 2020 vintage is in line with the 2019 vintage. However, the data for this year have been impacted by the health crisis in 2020, and in particular by the massive recourse to partial unemployment.

The 2020 vintage contains, as in previous years, the data for the year N-1, which have been updated to take account of the latest methodological developments.

  • Insee Première: "Wages in the private sector in 2020, Atypical developments due to the health crisis".

Sector coverage

The All employees databases cover all employees in the private and public sectors and employees of individual employers.

Statistical concepts and definitions

The All employees databases allow the following topics to be studied

  • salaries paid: hourly or FTE (full-time equivalent) salaries, by sector, place of work, etc. ;

  • employees: age, gender, location, type of job, PCS, etc.

Statistical population

The All employees databases cover all employees in the private and public sectors and employees of individual employers.

Time coverage

Each file in the All Employees database covers two consecutive years, N-1 and N. The All employees 2020 database therefore contains data from both 2019 and 2020.