Household annual survey on information and communication technologies 2023 

Household ICT 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The ICT household survey is a mandatory annual survey governed by European regulations.

In 2023, the survey focused on :

  • household information and communication technology equipment (including mobile internet via a telephone or laptop);

  • Internet use and frequency;

  • use of e-government services ;

  • use of electronic identification;

  • Internet consumption habits;

  • computer skills;

  • confidentiality and protection of privacy;

  • telephone use ;

  • screens exposure.

Statistical unit

Internet equipment is collected at household level and the other characteristics at the level of an individual in the household, randomly selected to answer the questionnaire: this individual is the "Kish individual".

Statistical population

For internet access, the survey focuses on households in which at least one person is aged 15 or over and resident in France (metropolitan France and the French overseas departments and territories excluding Mayotte).

For the other statistics, the information collected concerns individuals over the age of 15 living in France (metropolitan France and French overseas departments and territories excluding Mayotte).

Time coverage
