Household annual survey on information and communication technologies 2023 

Household ICT 2023

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Mandat institutionnel

Legal acts and other agreements

The ICT survey is a European Union initiative. It meets Eurostat's requirements, in particular Regulation 2019/1700 governing statistics on the information society.

At a national level, the survey has been approved by the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS).

Data sharing

In the year following the survey, a production and research file is made available to researchers via Progedo. This file is also accessible to organisations with guarantees relating to the professional use of statistics under agreement with INSEE. Respondents can access the results via an Internet link on the notification and reminder letters, which points to the latest publications.

Survey status

Survey of general interest and statistical quality, with compulsory nature

n° visa
