Social and fiscal localized income 2021 

Filosofi 2021

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

Localized indicators of the distribution of declared or available income per consumption unit (CU), the composition of this income, inequality and monetary poverty.

These indicators are available for supra-municipal, municipal and sub-municipal areas.

Some indicators are available for sub-populations or broken down according to socio-demographic characteristics.

Classification system

Details of socio-demographic variables

Age range of tax reference :

  • Under 30

  • 30 to 39 years old

  • 40 to 49 years old

  • 50 to 59 years old

  • 60 to 74 years old

  • 75 or over

Tax household size :

  • 1 person

  • 2 persons

  • 3 persons

  • 4 persons

  • 5 persons or more

Occupancy status :

  • Owner

  • Tenant

  • of which Social housing

  • of which private rental

Type of household :

  • Single male

  • Single woman

  • Couple without children

  • Couple with children

  • Single-parent family

  • Complex household

Main source of declared income :

  • Wages and salaries

  • Unemployment benefits

  • Income from self-employment

  • Pensions and annuities

  • Other income

  • Income declared negative or zero

Statistical concepts and definitions

Note: in Filosofi, the poverty line is set at 60% of the median standard of living in metropolitan France.

Statistical unit

Fiscal household

Statistical population

The statistical field covered is that of tax households, constituted by grouping together tax households having filed a tax return for year N and attached to the same dwelling (principal or secondary residence) for the calculation of N+1 council tax.

A person who is fiscally attached to a tax return is considered to be part of the tax household even if he or she does not live in the tax filer's home.

People living in collective structures (retirement homes, hostels, workers' hostels, religious communities, university halls of residence, prisons, etc.) or who are homeless are not included in the scope of Filosofi.

The indicators on the declared income are calculated for household field whose declared income is positive or zero.

The indicators on disposable income are based on household field whose disposable income is positive or zero.

Time coverage

Year 2021