Social and fiscal localized income 2021 

Filosofi 2021

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Gestion de la qualité

Quality assurance

Since 2005, the Code of Good Practice for European Statistics has been the benchmark for evaluating the quality of the production of national statistical institutes. Reviews by European peers are periodically organized to ensure the implementation of the principles of this reference system and to place each institute in a logic of continuous improvement. In this context, INSEE has adopted a process-based approach. A range of tools, pooled within the Official Statistical Service (SSP), was created to describe the statistical production processes, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, assess the risks incurred, examine their documentation (metadata) or assess a particular step (analysis of user needs, data validation, etc.). The diagnoses resulting from these "quality procedures" lead to the establishment of action plans which are regularly monitored as part of "process reviews". In addition, INSEE regularly carries out satisfaction surveys on the indicators and the data it produces. The results of these surveys are available on the website.

In a more strategic register, the General Inspectorate of INSEE carries out evaluations, appraisals and audits of the work of the Institute, its operation and the organization of its services. Some of these missions relate more specifically to key INSEE processes.