Quarterly tendency survey in real estate development 2024

Paru le :Paru le14/03/2025

Présentation statistique

Data description

The questions relate to the evolution of the demand for housing addressed to companies, the number of housing starts, the number of permits requested or even land prices.

Other questions, asked only about sales activities, concern the contribution of candidates to the acquisition of new housing, the prices of housing put up for sale or the means of financing these purchases.

All the questions are qualitative, with three choices. The results are balances of opinion calculated as the difference between the percentage of <<up (+)>> and the percentage of <<down (-)>>.

Sector coverage

The survey covers sectors defined by the following codes of the French Nomenclature of Activities (NAF rév.2): housing development (41.10A) and housing rental (68.20A).

Statistical unit

The unit surveyed is the enterprise (legal unit or profiled enterprise).

Time coverage

Some data have been available since october 1991.