Spatial comparison survey on consumer price levels within France 2022

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

Collected prices - about 3 to 5,000 price in each French overseas department, 3,000 in Paris region, 5,000 in Corsica and 4,000 in the rest of provincial France (in addition to the price index Consumption - CPI) - were carried out in different outlets. In addition to this field collection, scanner data were used for food, personal care and household cleaning products sold in supermarkets and hypermarkets on the one hand and some prices were collected centrally like electricity, communication services, health or different public services on the other hand.

Frequency of data collection

Punctual or aperiodic

Data collection

The prices were collected by the network of INSEE price collectors throughout in March and April 2022.

In metropolitan France and in overseas departments, consumer price index (CPI) data were used and complementary surveys were carried out on the one hand for the typical products of the French overseas departments which are not usually surveyed in Metropolitan France for CPI purpose, and on the other hand for the products that are too heterogeneous to use CPI prices.

In the oversea territories, the complementary survey was mainly used.

In Corsica and in Mayotte, only the complementary survey  was used.

In metropolitan France, a new source was used in 2022, scanner data, for food, personal care and household cleaning products sold in supermarkets and hypermarkets in metropolitain France. These products represent 30 % of the collected groups of products in 2022

The survey is conducted on the Metropolitan territory and in the five overseas departments : Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion and Mayotte. The surveys are carried out in some agglomerations  with more than 2,000 inhabitants spread over the continental metropolitan territory and belonging to different size classes, as well as in 4 agglomerations in Corsica and a dozen for the overseas departments.

Prices are recorded to the cent.

The collected prices are the prices, excluding sales and promotions.

Data collection frequency: five-yearly.

Frequency of dissemination: five years (5-year rhythm).

Data collection period

Price collection was conducted in March and April 2022.

Sampling method

All types of sales outlets were surveyed, according to their local representativeness. Between 3,000 and 5,000 additionnal price readings were taken in each of the overseas departments.

In Corsica, the number was raised to around 5,000. Certain products not included in the comparison with the DOM, as they were absent or barely representative on these territories were added.

For mainland France, the number of collected prices was around 7,000 spread across the conurbations in provincial France and in the Parisian conurbation. In addition to these prices collected in purpose, prices from CPI were used. Finally, 55,000 prices collected in mainland France were used for the spatial comparison of prices.

As for the CPI, the sample is stratified according to three types of criteria:

  • a geographical criterion: the surveys are carried out in some agglomerations with more than 2,000 inhabitants spread over mainland continental territory and belonging to different size classes in addition to the Parisian conurbation, as well as in 4 agglomerations in Corsica and a dozen for all overseas departments;

  • a product type criterion: a sample of 500 product families (consumption segments) consumed in both metropolitan France and overseas departments is defined;

  • a point of sale type criterion: a stratification by form of sale (hypermarkets, etc.) is constituted to represent the diversity of the products and modes of purchase of the consumers.

Data validation

Data are validated at different level of the statistical process: collection of the data, sample design and data treatments.

Data compilation

The national weights of the COICOP items are determined on the basis of the data derived from the National Accounts. Regional weights were computed thanks to the household budget survey.