Statistics on income and living conditions 2021 

EU - SILC - 2021

Paru le :Paru le28/06/2024

Cohérence et comparabilité

Comparability - geographical

The sample size of the EU-SILC survey, around 25,000 respondents in France metropolitan, and the number of regions, 13, 9 of which have fewer than 800 respondents, make it impossible to calculate reliable poverty indicators for each region. This is why INSEE has developed a small area estimation method, which will provide micro-data (weights) for each region, allowing the calculation of poverty rates at regional level.

The calculation of regional indicators, using the NUTS2 level split of the DB040 variable__, is strongly discouraged on data prior to 2022.__

Comparability - over time and CC2. Length of comparable time series for U

A significant series break took place in 2020 following the redesign of the system the year before the implementation of the IESS Regulation.

Coherence - cross domain

The external data used to control the income components are diverse.

  • Exhaustive administrative databases, which provide with target amounts of income from tax sources (declared amounts of wages, unemployment benefits, pensions, financial income, etc.) and from social security sources (housing benefits, family benefits, minimum social benefits)

  • The results of the Tax and Social Incomes Survey (Enquête revenus fiscaux et sociaux – ERFS), which is the reference source, at national level, for the measurement of standards of living and monetary poverty. This source is constituted by matching the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (Enquête emploi en continu ) with administrative data. The LFS is based on a large sample size and provides detailed statistics according to the main socio-demographic criteria.

  • The Filosofi system (Localised Social and Fiscal File), which is made up of a reconciliation of the exhaustive administrative tax and social bases.

Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable

Coherence - internal

The internal coherence of the data was checked: respect of the additivity of the variables, application of recognized methods for detecting atypical points, etc.