Census of Military State Agents of the Armed Forces 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

For each military, the individual data contained in CSA-M comprises two sections:
- a human resources section : it contains the army of assignment, the rank, the step, the scale, the family situation, etc.
- a remuneration section : this contains the new increased index, bonuses and contributions, etc.

Classification system

The main nomenclatures used concern:
- for the human resources component : military grades,
- for the remuneration component : the components of remuneration (aggregation of bonuses and contributions).

Sector coverage

Defence sector

Statistical concepts and definitions

The concepts used to describe the workforce are the physical workforce, and the workforce present on 31/12 of the year in question, the full-time equivalent workforce (FTEW).
The concepts used to describe wages are winsorised gross and net wages (i.e. controlled for the influence of atypical units).

Statistical unit

A military from the Ministry of the Armed Forces

Statistical population

All military personnel managed by the Ministry of the Armed Forces (including therefore military personnel charged to the budgetary programme of other ministries : Foreign Affairs, Overseas...) whether they are posted in France or abroad. The following personnel are not included in the CSA_M field : personnel of the DGA (Directorate General of Armaments) and the GCAF (General Control of the Armed Forces). Since its creation in 2019, the special forces are included in the CSA_M.

Time coverage

The CSA_M is available since the 2019 vintage.