Annual production survey 2020 

EAP 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Révision des données

Data revision - policy

At both national and European level, data are revised once per year for the CPF45 and PRODCOM results.
The first results are disseminated while the data collection is still in progress, while guaranteeing the quality of the results. The revision therefore takes into account all the information collected, as well as the validation of the aggregates carried out with all these collected data.
No review is carried out for the PRODFRA dissemination, as this is prepared after the data collection is completed.

Data revision - practice and A6. Data revision - average size for U

The timetable for revisions corresponds to the timetable for the dissemination of the final results in section 8.1: end of october N+1 for PRODCOM results and end of year N+1 for CPF45 results.