Monthly attendance survey in collective tourist accommodation 2020

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Sending a mail and / or sending an email

Data collection period

The collection is done at the beginning of month M + 1 for the data of month M.

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Local unit (of an enterprise)

Sampling method

Hotels: the sampling frame is the index of tourism hotels, index managed by Insee.
The stratification criteria of the national sample are:
- the geographical axis (regions, national tourist areas (ETN)) ;
- hotel category (1 to 5 stars or unclassified) ;
- the type of hotel (chain or independent) .
Within the strata, the draw is random.
Campings: the sampling frame is the file of establishments offering at least one location, file managed by Insee.
In small regions, the survey is comprehensive. For other regions, the stratification criteria of the sample are:
- the geographical axis (national tourist areas (ETN)) ;
- the category of camping (1 to 5 stars, not classified) ;
- the size in number of locations.
Inside the strata, the draw is random.
Other collective tourist accommodations : the sampling frame is the file of other collective accommodation, file managed by Insee. The stratification criteria of the national sample are:
- the geographical axis (regions, national tourist areas (ETN)) ;
- the type of establishment.
Within the strata, the draw is random.

Sample size

Hotels: survey is conducted with a national sample of approximately 12,000 hotels out of a total of 18,000. Campsites: survey is conducted with a sample of 6,000 campsites out of 8,000. AHCT: survey is conducted with a sample of approximately 2,500 establishments out of a total of 3,500.

Data collection documents

The questionnaire sent to campsites is different from that sent to hotels and other collective tourist accommodation: it allows the nature of the occupied pitches (empty pitches or equipped pitches) to be reported.