Monthly attendance survey in collective tourist accommodation 2020

Paru le :Paru le13/03/2025

Présentation statistique

Data description

The main topics are:
- characteristics of the establishment;
- reception capacities;
- daily occupancy of rooms;
- Arrivals and overnight stays according to the country of residence of the tourists;
- duration of stay ;
- proportion of business tourism.
The park is measured on December 31 of each year and the attendance on each month.

Sector coverage

For hotels, the survey covers the activities defined by the French classification of activities (NAF rev. 2): 55.10Z codes (hotels and similar accommodation), i.e. tourist-oriented hotels, whether classified or not.
For campings, the survey covers activities defined by NAF rev. 2: 55.30Z (campsites and parks for caravans or recreational vehicles). Outdoor accommodations exclusively for residential use are excluded.
For other collective tourist accommodations, the units surveyed are collective tourist accommodation subject to regulation: youth hostels, international centers of stay, sports centers, tourist residences and residential hotels, family holiday homes and holiday villages.
The economic unit questioned is the operator of the accommodation (NAF rev. 2: 55.10Z and 55.20Z).

Statistical unit

Statistics requested relate to customer stays

Time coverage

The survey is conducted every month, from January to December for the 3 types of establishments. However, for campings, only the results from April to September are broadcast.