Permanent database of facilities 2019 

BPE 2019

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Traitement statistique

Source data

BPE is supplied by :

  • 6 major repertories : Adeli, Finess and RPPS (Department of Solidarity and Health), Ramsese (Department for Education and Youth), Sirene (Insee) and RES (Department for Sports) ;

  • 16 administrative files: Gendarmerie (Home Office), Hotel and Camping (Insee), Paris Police Prefecture, Agricultural education (Department for Agriculture and Food), Justice (Ministry of Justice), La Poste, Artcena, Pôle Emploi, DGAC (General Directorate of Civil Aviation), SNCF, CNC (National Cinema Center), Culture (Ministry of Culture), Gas Stations ( -- Department of Economy and Finance), Cnaf ( and since 2019, the file of public services houses (MSAP), source CGET (Commission for territorial equality, which became on 01/01/20 the National Agency for territorial cohesion).

In alphabetical order : 

ADELI (automation of paramedical lists - source: ministry responsible for health) 

The Adeli repertory contains data on paramedical professionals (audioprosthetist, nurse, speech therapist, orthoptist, occupational therapist, psychomotor therapist, manipulator in medical electroradiology) for which they are required to register. They appear there as assets held on January 1st of the reference year. The paramedical staff are retained in the BPE on the criteria of profession, professional situation and economic activity (liberal profession only).

ARTCENA (source: Artcena) 

The national center for circus, street and theater arts (Artcena) provides the list of theaters, circus centers and street arts managed by Artcena where a theater performance can take place. They can be labeled (national and private theaters, national and convention stages, companies with places of reception, national and regional dramatic companies, circus centers, choreographic centers) or not. 

CAMPING (outdoor hotel survey -- source : Insee) 

The park of campsites corresponds to the list of campsites or natural areas which have at least 10 pitches, at least one of which is a passage, from which the sample of the INSEE outdoor accommodation survey is drawn. 

CGET (General commission for territorial equality)

The list of public service houses(MSAP) lists the structures delivering a local offer to all audiences in a single place on many themes of daily life : employment, retirement, family, social, health, housing, energy, postal services, access to law, etc.

CNAF (source: national family allowance fund)

The list of establishments for the reception of young children corresponds to the structures authorized to receive on a non-permanent basis, children under the age of 6 and receiving a Caf fund (collective or parental nursery, daycare center, nursery-garden). Due to the Caf management rules, the data from this source is delayed by one year compared to other BPE sources:  the 2019 vintage therefore corresponds to the data on 01/01/2018 and not to those on 01/01/2019.

CNC (source: national cinema center)

The file of cinemas gathers the places of projection having an authorization of exercise within the meaning of the code of the cinematographic industry and an administrative authorization, and having sent at least a slip of receipts in the year. Data are available for Metropolitan France and the overseas area, except Mayotte.

CULTURE (source: ministry of culture)

The file produced by the Ministry of Culture contains :

the list of museums, labeled Musée de France and belonging to the State or to a non-profit public or private legal person, the conservation and presentation of which is of public interest to the public ;

the list of approved conservatories, classified into three categories: conservatory with municipal or inter-municipal influence (CRC), departmental influence (CRD), regional influence (CRC).

Data are available throughout France except the outsea départment of Mayotte.

Since 2019, the list of libraries lists alle the access points to books (medi library, library, reading point, reading deposit, etc.) under the responsibility of local authorities (public libraries of departmental, municipal, intermunicipal and municipal status classified, central or annex).

DGAC (source: General Directorate of Civil Aviation)

The list provided contains the airports with more than 1,000 year-round passengers on commercial flights departing or arriving from the airport excluding transit during year n--1. These data are collected on behalf of INSEE by the General Commission for Sustainable Development, Data and Statistical Studies Service.

AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION (source: General Directorate for Education and Research - DGER - of the Department for Agriculture and Food)

The DGER collects agricultural educational establishments. The rules for managing this agricultural education file can lead to the registration of several units at the same address with different types of equipment in the BPE. For example, a high school and the training center and/or the continuing training center it houses will provide 2 (or 3) separate facilities.

FINESS (national file of health and social establishments - source: Department of Solidarity and Health)

The management of the Finess repertory is the responsibility of the Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees), within the Department of Solidarity and Health. It lists, for the needs of the Department and of health insurance, the structures authorized to install sanitary or social equipment (legal entity) as well as the places in which these equipment are installed and exercise the corresponding care or social service activities (establishment). Each of them is assigned a Finess number. The file contains three categories of public and private sector establishments :

1- health establishments : hospitals, care and prevention establishments, health establishments (analysis laboratories, pharmacies, blood transfusion establishments, etc.) ;

2- social establishments: establishments for the elderly, disabled adults and disabled youth, social services contributing to the protection of children, medico-social establishments;

3- training establishments for health and social workers.

Equipment from Finess are selected, on behalf of the BPE, according to their category and discipline. The services rendered can thus be multiple at the same address, within the same establishment.

GENDARMERIE (information system of gendarmerie units - source: Home Office)

The BPE's data in the field of public security comes, for the gendarmerie part, from an internal management base at the Home office. They are provided on the basis of the service of the national gendarmerie welcoming the public. Autonomous or local territorial brigades are counted.

HOTEL (hotel survey - source: Insee)

The hotel fleet corresponds to the list of classified hotels and unclassified tourist hotels with 5 or more bedrooms, from which the sample from the INSEE hotel survey is drawn.

JUSTICE (justice reference system -SRJ- source: Ministry of Justice)

The SRJ lists the courts of appeal, high courts, district courts, commercial courts, industrial tribunals, houses of justice and the law, branches of justice and departmental councils for access to the law.

LA POSTE (source: La Poste)

La Poste provides the list of:

  • post offices : establishment providing all of La Poste's products and services relating to mail, parcels and financial services ;

  • post relays : private person (eg : a merchant) who has signed an agreement with La Poste to provide a large part of the services relating to mail and parcels, and very limited financial services ;

  • postal agencies: public person (town halls, EPCI) having signed an agreement with La Poste in order to provide a large part of the services concerning mail, parcels and financial services.

POLE EMPLOI (source: Pôle emploi)

Pôle emploi lists establishments belonging to three different networks:

  • the local network characterized by the presence of a Pôle emploi advisor continuously or on a planned and regular basis,
  • the specialized network which operates on specific segments of the public,
  • the partnership network, places shared with partners.
    PREFECTURE DE POLICE DE PARIS (source: Paris police headquarters)
    The list of police establishments in the city of Paris gathers the various public reception sites such as police stations, reception and proximity investigation services (SAIP), delegation brigades and proximity surveys (BDEP) and reception and judicial processing services (SATJ). When several different entities are present at the same address, only one item of equipment has been retained.

RAMSESE (academic and ministerial repertory on the establishments of the education system -- source : Department for Education and Youth)

Ramsese supplies educational establishments (excluding agricultural education establishments) providing initial general, technical or vocational training, from kindergarten to higher education, whether public or private. It also provides some of their characteristics (presence of canteen, boarding school, pre-elementary class, preparatory class for high schools, membership of a priority education system, school in a teaching group).

RES (inventory of sports equipment - source: Department for Sports) 

The RES lists sports facilities, spaces and practice sites. Only the facilities accessible to the general public, individually or via a public or private structure (association or commercial), for practicing a physical and/or sporting activity are retained. Within the meaning of the RES, a sports facility is a place characterized by an address, where one or more sports facilities are located, with or without a limiting enclosure. In the BPE, equipment of different types can therefore be located at the same address. 

RPPS (shared repertory of health professionals - source: Department of Solidarity and Health) 

The shared repertory of health professionals (RPPS) was set up in 2011 in order to pool in a single file the main information on health professionals between the State, health insurance and the councils of the order. With similar registration conditions, it is gradually replacing Adeli. Practitioners registered with the RPPS are retained in the BPE on the same criteria as from Adeli. General practitioners and specialists, dental surgeons, midwives, masseurs-physiotherapists and podiatrists are thus registered with the RPPS. 

SIRENE (computerized repertory of companies and establishments - source: Insee) 

Sirene registers all companies and their establishments, whatever their legal form and whatever their sector of activity. The service and trade establishments selected in the BPE are mainly based on their APE code (main activity exercised). These are operating and non-subsidiary establishments, economically active on the reference date.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Request, within the framework of agreements, data from producers and reception of data in files of various formats or download if open data. 

Data collection period

Form January to June, each year.

Data validation

Data checks are carried out throughout the production process : comparisons with data from the previous year, quality control of geolocation, carrying out a field quality survey, checks carried out in the office, etc.

Data compilation


The Permanent database of facilities is available throughout France, including the overseas departments. The base's geographic reference is the Official Geographic Code (COG) of the municipalities on January, 1st of the reference year. 

In the borough municipalities (Paris, Lyon and Marseille), the district has been chosen as the municipal level for locating equipment.

The addresses of the equipment contained in the BPE are georeferenced to provide, if necessary, the belonging of the equipment to sub-municipal zoning (Iris).

Equipment geolocation

Since the 2013 BPE, equipment geolocation works have also been carried out.

Geolocation consists in assigning geographic coordinates (x, y) to an address which is then materialized by a point. Geolocation makes it possible to get rid of preexisting zoning (municipalities or Iris). Thus, it allows finer spatial or territorial studies, with data independent of predefined zoning.

The projection systems used by INSEE for the allocation of coordinates (x, y) are Lambert-93 (RGF93) for mainland France and UTM (Universal tranverse Mercator) for overseas departments (UTM40sud for Réunion, UTM20nord for Martinique and Guadeloupe, and UTM22nord for Guyana). Whatever system is used, these are not GPS coordinates.

→ For more detailed information on projection systems, see the IGN website.

The geolocation carried out by INSEE is based on a frame of reference built on the information contained : 

  • in the address repertory (Repertory of localized buildings - RIL) used for the population census, mainly for municipalities of 10,000 inhabitants or more ;
  • in tax files (repositories of "cadastral" addresses) for municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants.
    The automatic process of matching the addresses contained in the BPE with this repository constitutes the first step in the work of geolocation of the data. In a second time, manual processing (or, as a last resort, imputation) is carried out on the addresses for which the automatic processing has not been successful or has provided insufficiently satisfactory results.

Thus, the coordinates (x, y) made available for each piece of equipment are accompanied by a quality indicator which can take the following forms: 

• good : the deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is less than 100 m; 

• acceptable : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is between 100 m and 500 m ; 

• bad : the maximum deviation of the coordinates (x, y) provided with the reality of the ground is greater than 500 m and random imputations could be made ; 

• not geolocated : the coordinates (x, y) are not available because the geolocation works were not successful for the equipment ; 

• type_equipment_non_geolocated_this_year : the coordinates (x, y) are not available for the equipment considered because it belongs to a category which was not concerned by geolocation works or for which the geolocation works did not succeed to a sufficient quality. 

Regarding the quality thresholds, INSEE does not guarantee total compliance with these : deviations from reality can be greater in a certain number of cases, and conversely, prove to be of better quality than the documentation does not indicate it. 

Finally, the areas of equipment for which geolocated data are diffused correspond to those for which the quality of processing is good or acceptable for more than 85 % of the equipment that makes them up, regardless of whether this equipment has been subject to manual recovery. or only automatic processing. 

Otherwise, some data producers supplying the BPE carry out the geolocation of the data they provide. If, after appraisal, their geolocation is judged to be of good quality, the coordinates (x, y) of the equipment concerned are injected directly into the BPE without reprocessing by INSEE other than, if necessary, conversion into the projection systems used for BPE.