Annual sectoral survey 2019 

ESA 2019

Paru le :Paru le13/03/2025

Traitement statistique

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

The survey is historically conducted by mail. It is possible to respond by internet since 2013, initially via a fillable PDF questionnaire, and then from the ESA 2018 collected in 2019, via an online questionnaire proposed by the internet-based data collection system developped by Insee.

The annual data on the year N is collected in several waves between February and June of the year N+1  in order to take account of businesses' different financial year end dates.

Data collection period

From February to October

Collection mode

  • By post mail
  • By Internet

Survey unit

Legal unit

Sampling method

The sampling design is a two-stage stratified clustered simple ramdom sampling, according to strata defined by the size classes crossed with the economic sectors. Above given size thresholds (thresholds on tunover and on number of employees), which are variable according to the economic sector, the strata are take-all strata.

Sample size

120 000 legal units (principally) and enterprises

Data collection documents

Data compilation

A specific data editing procedure has been implemented. This procedure  also ensures the consistency of the survey data with admistrative data.