Census of government employees (military and gendarmerie) 2018 

CGE 2018

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Présentation statistique

Data description

The individual data for each agent contained in the CGE consists of 2 parts:

  • a human resources component: it provides the army of assignment, rank, step, family situation...

  • a remuneration component: it provides the remuneration index, details of allowances and contributions...

Classification system

The main nomenclatures used concern:

-for the human resources component: military ranks

-for the remuneration component: the components of remuneration (aggregation of allowances and contributions)

Statistical concepts and definitions

The concepts used to describe the numbers are the physical numbers, the numbers present at 31/12, the numbers in full-time equivalents worked ( i.e taking into account the time spent by the military in the year).

The concepts used to describe remuneration are gross and net winsorized wages (i.e. controlled by the influence of atypical units).

Concept of gross basic pay index to assess quarterly changes in the gross basic pay of military personnel.

Statistical unit

a military (ministry of Armes Forces) or a gendarme (ministry of the Interior)

Statistical population

All military personnel managed by the Ministry of the Armed Forces or by the Ministry of the Interior (including military personnel charged to the budgetary programmes of other ministries: Foreign Affairs, Overseas France, etc.).

The following personnel are not part of the CGE field : personnel of the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), the General Armament Control (CGA) and the special forces.

Time coverage

Data are available since 1996.