Companies and sustainable development 2016 

EnDD 2016

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024


User needs

This survey has several types of users: the general public for studies directly or through journalists, associations and politicians working in this field, researchers,... This public includes users with more or less knowledge of the field and statistics.
Two consultation committees were held. The users present were: Insee, CGDD, Dares, the Mediator of inter-company relations, representatives of Medef, CFDT, CFDT, Nicolas Hulot Foundation, National CSR Platform, Paris IX-Irisso University, Paris V Descartes University, Banque de France, CEE, CCI Paris Ile-de-France, Association les amis de la monétarisation, Paris I University, Cnam.
The conclusions of the first meeting were to interview companies in the legal sense of having more than 10 or 20 employees, including the financial sector, using a very broadly common questionnaire using the 2011 European definition based on practices and effects and no longer on the voluntary aspect of the approach. Particular attention should be paid to certain questions to ensure continuity with the 2011 survey.
Those of the second meeting (with a first version of the questionnaire) were:
- in order to avoid the risk of "green washing" and the lack of precision of the answers obtained, reproaches made to the 2011 survey, the project at this stage is to systematically question on the commitment of companies, more specific questions of concrete actions, instances or procedures for regular monitoring of the announced objectives.
- the limitation of the duration and complexity of the questioning appeared to be imperative. That is why arbitrations have been made. The questionnaire for the smallest companies in the field, i.e. companies with 20 to 49 employees, has been simplified.

Completeness and R1. Data completeness – rate for U

The tables (Insee results) that will be published will include all or almost all the questions (the yes part) on the different fields.