Annual survey on industrial energy consumption 2016 

EACEI 2016

Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Précision et fiabilité

Overall accuracy

The precision indicators (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, 95% confidence interval) take into account errors due to sampling, total non-response correction and calibration, but not the error related to partial non-response correction.

The variables used for the EACEI 2016 precision calculations are:
BR_QAUP (quantity purchased in electricity)
DR_QAUP (quantity purchased in natural gas)
JR_QAUP (quantity purchased in butane-propane)
LR_QAUP (quantity purchased in heating oil)

The indicators are as follows:
- estimate of total
- coefficient of variation in percentage = 100 * s / total

Non-sampling error and A4. Unit non-response - rate for U and A5. Item non-response - rate for U

The out-of-scope share in the sample is 2.1%.