Industrial production index 


Paru le :Paru le17/07/2024

Précision et fiabilité

Overall accuracy

Statistical error and bias are small.

Sampling error and A1. Sampling errors – indicators for U

Not available but limited

Non-sampling error and A4. Unit non-response - rate for U and A5. Item non-response - rate for U

Response rate: Around 90% each month.

Actions to speed up or increase the rate of response: Phone or mail recall, (rarely) penalties and increased use of internet for data collection.

Non-sampling errors are due to the firms’ delayed reponses or the non exhaustive coverage (small firms are not included in the statistic population).

Coverage error

Units with fewer than 20 employees and those in which none of the industrial branches exceeds €5 million in annual turnover are not covered by the sample.

Measurement error

The measurement error is small: this would be due to inaccurate reporting not identified in the data clearance process.

Non response error

Response rate: Around 90% each month.

Processing error

The process is robust and uses cross-validations methods.