Courrier des statistiques N8 - 2022

With this latest edition, the Courrier des statistiques releases its eighth issue. The review once again aims to address some major issues faced by official statistics, using an educationally-oriented tone.
This eighth issue of the Courrier opens with a piece on the Trajectoires et Origines (TeO) survey, which, in a unique manner, explores how the origins of immigrants or children of immigrants influence their trajectories and living conditions. The second article provides an analysis of the field of statistics dedicated to local authorities.
Registers are in the spotlight in the next five articles. After defining registers, these "repositories that are essential and yet little understood" as standardised and living information systems, the following two articles take us into the intertwined worlds of the National Register for the Identification of Individuals (RNIPP) and the National Identification Management System (SNGI). We then leave the realm of individuals to take an interest in companies, with SIRUS, the statistical business register, which is an essential tool for business statisticians. Finally, the last article introduces us to a unique feature of the French statistical system, with the presentation of the Permanent Equipment Database (BPE).

Courrier des statistiques
Paru le :Paru le11/05/2023
Joseph Préveraud de Vaumas
Courrier des statistiques- May 2023

An identity repository for the needs of Social Field The National Identification Management System (SNGI)

Joseph Préveraud de Vaumas

The National Identification Management System (SNGI) is the repository of identities for the needs of social protection organizations. Created in 1988 by the main pension scheme in France (CNAV – Caisse nationale d’assurance vieillesse), the SNGI processes the civil status and NIR (National Registration Number, better known as the social security number) of Social Security beneficiaries. Over time, it has become the basic reference system, particularly because it allows a NIR to be assigned to individuals born outside France.

Built from the files of insured persons in the CNAV’s general pension scheme, it has been progressively synchronized with the INSEE’s National Register for the Identification of Individuals (RNIPP), and continues to be enriched on an ongoing basis. In addition to the data needed to identify a person, it contains information related to the processing of registration requests. The system integrates functions for consulting and searching for identities as well as for disseminating information. It relies on a powerful identification engine to find an identity from imprecise or even inaccurate information. Given the high stakes for its users and the sensitive nature of the data it contains, the SNGI is highly regulated by law.

Paru le :11/05/2023