Courrier des statistiques N8 - 2022

With this latest edition, the Courrier des statistiques releases its eighth issue. The review once again aims to address some major issues faced by official statistics, using an educationally-oriented tone.
This eighth issue of the Courrier opens with a piece on the Trajectoires et Origines (TeO) survey, which, in a unique manner, explores how the origins of immigrants or children of immigrants influence their trajectories and living conditions. The second article provides an analysis of the field of statistics dedicated to local authorities.
Registers are in the spotlight in the next five articles. After defining registers, these "repositories that are essential and yet little understood" as standardised and living information systems, the following two articles take us into the intertwined worlds of the National Register for the Identification of Individuals (RNIPP) and the National Identification Management System (SNGI). We then leave the realm of individuals to take an interest in companies, with SIRUS, the statistical business register, which is an essential tool for business statisticians. Finally, the last article introduces us to a unique feature of the French statistical system, with the presentation of the Permanent Equipment Database (BPE).

Courrier des statistiques
Paru le :Paru le11/05/2023
Willy Thao Khamsing
Courrier des statistiques- May 2023

“Trajectoires et Origines”: a new survey ten years after the first one Evolutions and innovations in the data protocol

Willy Thao Khamsing

Trajectoires et Origines is a reference survey on the themes of immigration and the diversity of the French population. By exploring the migratory history of individuals or their parents, by describing their educational, professional, residential and family backgrounds, and the transmission of languages and religion within the family, this survey seeks to study how geographical, national, cultural or social origins are likely to influence the living conditions and trajectories of individuals.

The first edition of Trajectories and Origins (TeO) was carried out by INSEE and INED in 2008-2009 and has been widely used; ten years later, in a social context that has changed, it became necessary to update knowledge on these subjects. The 2019-2020 reissue goes further than a simple update of the data: it leaves room for evolutions and innovations in the design, the protocol and the methodology of the survey.

Paru le :11/05/2023