Courrier des statistiques N2 - 2019

The dossier of Issue N2 of the Courrier des statistiques reflects a thirty-year tradition of cooperation between INSEE and DESTATIS, the German Federal Statistical Office. Two articles illustrate the impetus given to official statistics by international institutions: the 16th United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16 has contributed to the rapid emergence of measures of security and satisfaction with institutions among French citizens; the European system of short-term business statistics, created along with the Euro, continues to evolve under the new FRIBS Regulation: French short-term statistics are adapting and anticipating the changes ahead.
With its new statistical metadata repository known as RMéS, the French official statistical system has reached a new milestone: based on international standards, metadata on statistical activities will be activated throughout the life cycle and managed in a common information system complete with shared services. Another reference system has been put in place under the Élire project over the past three years: the Single Electoral Register, based on a high-quality and largely updated data exchange system.
Finally, the last article examines the "profiling" of firms carried out by INSEE with the aim of better identifying relevant economic actors. Here too, the official statistical system is adapting to changes in its environment and is building processes in which processing automation and expertise complement each other effectively.

Courrier des statistiques
Paru le :Paru le27/06/2019
Arno Bens, Project Manager at DESTATIS Load Assessment & Cost Estimate office
Stefan Schukraft, Lead Expert in the office on General questions on measuring the costs of bureaucracy at DESTATIS
Courrier des statistiques- June 2019

The Modernisation of Administrative Registers in Germany Current Developments and Challenges for Official Statistics

Arno Bens, Project Manager at DESTATIS Load Assessment & Cost Estimate officeStefan Schukraft, Lead Expert in the office on General questions on measuring the costs of bureaucracy at DESTATIS

Translation of a part of a paper published in "Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletWISTA - Wirtschaft und Statistik" Vol. 4/2018.


Optimum use of existing data is a key to effective and future-oriented public administration. Thus, Germany’s National Regulatory Control Council (Nationaler Normenkontrollrat) has put the vision of modernised, digitally connected registers on the political agenda and has published an expert opinion. With the consent of persons and companies concerned, public authorities could have electronic access to many data that so far have not been available to them or have had to be collected specifically. This would lead to better and low-burden administrative services. The Federal Statistical Office of Germany (DESTATIS) now applies this vision, identifying through a systematic approach the potential of using existing administrative registers and data. A common platform on administrative data sources is created to gather knowledge on existing registers.

Paru le :27/06/2019