Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics n° 536-37 - 2022

Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics
Paru le :Paru le20/12/2022
Marie-Laure Breuillé, Julie Le Gallo and Alexandra Verlhiac
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics- December 2022

Residential Migration and the COVID-19 Crisis: Towards an Urban Exodus in France?

Marie-Laure Breuillé, Julie Le Gallo and Alexandra Verlhiac

Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics

Paru le :20/12/2022

The views or opinions expressed by the authors engage only themselves, and neither the institutions they work with, nor INSEE.


Much has been written about the potential effect of the COVID-19 crisis on residential mobility. To explore its effects in France, we reconstruct flows of mobility intentions based on owner and buyer estimates on the platform MeilleursAgents from January 2019 to September 2021, and we analyze, using logit and nested logit models, how the pandemic has changed the probability that individuals from both urban and rural intend to relocate. Our results show that, after a time of shock during the first lockdown in spring 2020, the desire to migrate, either to rural municipalities or to other catchment areas, increased as the pandemic and the restrictive measures continued, and was particularly pronounced after the end of the third and last lockdown.

Article (pdf, 1 Mo )

Online Appendix (pdf, 601 Ko )

Citation: Breuillé, M.-L., Le Gallo, J. & Verlhiac, A. (2022). Residential Migration and the COVID-19 Crisis: Towards an Urban Exodus in France? Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 536-37, 57–73. doi: 10.24187/ecostat.2022.536.2084