Women and men, equality in question 2022 edition

This book takes stock of equality between women and men today in France. This edition follows the 2017 edition.

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Paru le :Paru le03/03/2022
Léa Chabanon and Maxime Jouvenceau (Depp)
Femmes et hommes – L’égalité en question- March 2022

From primary school to higher education: girls and boys make different educational choices

Léa Chabanon and Maxime Jouvenceau (Depp)

At the end of the 2010s, from the start of primary schools, girls obtained slightly higher results than boys in French reading and writing. They maintained and then increased this advantage throughout their schooling. In mathematics, there was no difference in performance on entry to primary schools; thereafter, boys performed equally well or better. Girls performed better in examinations, and in particular obtained higher marks in the continuous assessment of the middle school degree in French and in life and Earth sciences (LES). Conversely, in assessments measuring skills that are less focused on learning the school curriculum, girls were at a disadvantage in mathematics and their advantage in French was reduced.

From secondary school onwards, girls' motivation for study and confidence in their abilities decreased. This reduced confidence has consequences for their orientation and, more generally, for their educational choices. In particular, they favoured LES subjects, in which they obtained higher results at the baccalaureate. In the most privileged social class, girls still did better than boys in French and LES throughout their schooling, as well as in mathematics for female science baccalaureates. Girls who followed scientific paths were more likely to pursue careers in the health sector, while boys make other choices and were more likely to all other scientific fields.

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Paru le :03/05/2022