Changes in the population and area of urban units Annual data from 1936 to 2018

Key figures
Paru le :Paru le03/01/2023
- January 2023

Changes in the population and area of urban units

in thousands
Changes in the population and area of urban units (in thousands) - Reading note: in 2018, the population in urban units reached 50,998,000 inhabitants and represented 78.6% of the total population.
Indicator 1982 1990 1999 2007 2017 2018
54,335 56,615 58,518 61,795 64,639 64,844
     39,861 41,898 44,197 47,883 50,798 50,998
    Outside urban units 14,474 14,717 14,321 13,912 13,842 13,846
Share of urban units in the population (%) 73.4 74.0 75.5 77.5 78.6 78.6
Area of urban units (in km²) 83,352 89,649 100,022 118,757 133,995 133,465
Share of urban units in area1 (%) 15.2 16.3 18.2 21.6 24.4 24.3
  • 1. The share is calculated by dividing the areas of the urban units by the area of metropolitan France in 2018.
  • Reading note: in 2018, the population in urban units reached 50,998,000 inhabitants and represented 78.6% of the
  • Coverage: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, population census.

Changes in the population

  • Reading note: in 2018, the in reached 50,998,000 inhabitants.
  • Coverage: metropolitan France.
  • Source: INSEE, population census.