Employment, Unemployment, Earned income 2021 Edition

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Paru le :Paru le22/07/2021
Solène Colin, Yannig Pons (DGAFP)
Employment, unemployment, earned income- July 2021

State Civil Service: Three out of Four Employees Work Outside the Île-de-France, as in the Private Sector

Solène Colin, Yannig Pons (DGAFP)

In 2019, public-sector employment accounted for almost one in five jobs in France. This proportion varies significantly between territories: the figure is almost one in three jobs in the overseas departments and one in six in the Île-de-France. Between 2011 and 2019, the proportion of public-sector jobs fell in the Île-de-France, in the South and in Atlantic side of the country, where private-sector employment was more dynamic than elsewhere. Conversely, it increased in the Central and Northeast departments.

At the end of 2019, State civil service jobs accounted for 7.7% of total jobs. This proportion is higher in the overseas departments and in the northern half of France, particularly in the Île-de-France.

Three quarters of all State civil servants work in the provinces: in services directly related to the population (education, police, etc.), in territorial administration services, as well as in national services.

The departments of the regional prefectures offer more jobs in territorial services and higher education than other departments.

Between 2011 and 2019, the number of jobs in the State civil service increased by an average of 0.1% per year, compared with 0.7% for jobs in general. The proportion of State civil service jobs among jobs in general fell therefore slightly, due to the decline in employment in the territorial services. This decline was more marked in departments within the former regional prefectures. However, jobs in the State civil service generally follow the territorial dynamics of jobs in general and the population.

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Paru le :22/07/2021