Companies in France 2020 edition

Cet ouvrage offre une vue structurelle complète de notre système productif. Les résultats sur l’année 2018 sont analysés dans une vue d’ensemble qui rend compte de la diversité des situations des entreprises, en se basant sur la définition de l’entreprise au sens économique. Ensuite, un premier dossier étudie les disparités territoriales d’accès aux commerces. Le second analyse les fonds propres des très petites entreprises et leur risque de défaillance en 2019.
Enfin, des fiches thématiques et sectorielles présentent les chiffres de référence sur les entreprises.

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Paru le :Paru le10/12/2020
Gabriel Sklénard (Insee).
Les entreprises en France- December 2020

Between 2016 and 2018, companies organised in groups, the driving force behind business in France

Gabriel Sklénard (Insee).

In France, in 2018, 500 companies, most of them large multinational firms, accounted for 41% of value added and employed 34% of the workforce. These were most often French-controlled industrial or commercial multinationals. Aside from these large multinationals, the majority of companies consisted of a single legal unit: in 2018, there were 2.2 million of them in the mainly non-agricultural and non-financial market sectors (excluding micro-entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises in the tax sense). Lastly, positioned between large multinationals and single-unit legal entities, nearly 5000 mid-caps and 90,000 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) were organised in groups of companies. Most of these SMEs consist of only a few subsidiaries.

Between 2016 and 2018, buoyed by export growth in a context of a clear recovery in world trade, the turnover of companies organised in groups rose sharply (+9.3%), while that of single-unit legal entities stagnated (-0.3%). Value added also grew although it slowed down in 2018 (+2.6% after +3.6% in 2017). The gross operating surplus (EBITDA) of companies fell by 0.7% in 2018, after rising sharply in 2017 (+4.5%). Between 2016 and 2018, the margin rate declined slightly (-0.5 points): it declined more markedly for large companies (-1.6 points), while it changed little in the other categories. Investment increased sharply in all categories of enterprises (+8.8%), but particularly in micro-enterprises (+20.5%). Net income declined (-1.6%), especially in mid-cap companies. 30% of companies reported a negative result for the period 2016-2018. Buoyed by a favourable economic context and an encouraging legislative framework, business start-ups reached record levels in 2018 (691,300) and 2019 (815,300), while business failures fell sharply, reaching a low not seen since the 2008 financial crisis (51,700 in 2019).

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Paru le :10/12/2020