Employment, unemployment, earned income 2018 Edition

INSEE and Dares present, in this third edition of INSEE References Employment, unemployment and earned income, a complete set of labour market analyses and indicators. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

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Paru le :Paru le03/07/2018
Erwan Gautier, Sébastien Roux, Milena Suarez Castillo
Employment, unemployment, earned income- July 2018

The role of collective agreements on wage dynamics

Erwan Gautier, Sébastien Roux, Milena Suarez Castillo

The minimum wage at the cross-industry level, the so-called “convention-based” minimum wage agreements at the level of the professional branches or the company agreements help to revalue individual wages. The impact of these collective agreements on the dynamics of basic gross wages can be broken down into two distinct channels: the triggering of wage increases and their magnitude when they occur. Increases in the minimum wage mainly help to increase the size of wage increases, while those of the minimum wage at the level of the branches and company agreements have a greater effect on their triggering. Thus, all other things being equal, in firms with 10 or more employees, an increase of 1% in the conventional minima increases the probability of revaluation by 2.1 points, as compared to 0.8 points for a similar increase in the minimum wage and 2.9 points for a 1% increase in inflation.

Beyond these instant effects, looking ahead a few quarters, a 1% increase in the minimum wage raises individual basic wages by 0.08% on average, while a similar increase in the minimum wage increases them by 0.14% and the signature of a company agreement by 0.30%. These effects may nevertheless differ significantly from one branch to another or depending on the initial salary. The effect of the minimum wage is therefore predominant on the first decile of salary, decreasing thereafter, while the contractual minimums have a more homogeneous and greater effect than that of the minimum wage from the second decile of the initial wage onward.

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Paru le :03/07/2018