Training and employment 2018 Edition
Fruit of a cooperation between INSEE and the statistical organizations working on the theme of training, this new edition of Training and Employment presents a set of indicators and analyzes on the education system, the professional integration of young people and training throughout life. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.
More people are pursuing post-secondary education, and it is still difficult for the less qualified to find work
Junel Bernard, Claude Minni, Anna Testas
In France in 2015-2016, 46% of young people between the ages of 14 and 29 are in education, whether they be school pupils, students or apprentices. Since 2010, the proportion of baccalaureate holders in a generation has increased, notably owing to the reform of vocational training in 2008. The number of students enrolled in higher education has also increased, as has the number of qualifications awarded by higher education institutions. Apprentice numbers in the secondary education system have fallen since 2008, but have continued to rise in the higher education sector; today, almost 5% of young people aged between 16 and 25 are on an apprenticeship scheme. In 2016, 9% of young people aged between 18 and 24 are regarded as early school leavers: at most they have a brevet des collèges (a school-leaving certificate taken at 16) and are not in training of any kind.
For one to four years after completing their studies, young people are in the labour market integration phase. The unemployment rate among economically active young people is 19.8% in 2016. It decreases with seniority, affecting only 8.0 % of those who completed their studies more than ten years ago. There are also more young people in the ‘unemployment halo’. Young women fare better than young men in both these indicators, particularly compared with women who completed their initial training over ten years ago. Young people in employment who recently completed their education are more likely to be underemployed or on fixed-term contracts, and are paid less despite being more qualified. More vulnerable to cyclical fluctuations, they were hit harder by the 2008-2009 economic crisis.
Continuing training can be a means of improving one's employment situation. In 2016, two out of five 18 to 64 year olds who have completed their initial training have participated in at least one vocational training programme during the course of the year. People who are at the beginning or middle of their career, and who are in work, are more likely to engage in vocational training than unemployed people. More and more qualifications are being earned through vocational training.