Economic players and the environment 2017 edition

In this previously unpublished edition of the “Insee References” collection entitled Economic Players and the Environment, Insee and the Data and Statistics Department of the ministry with responsibility for the environment present analyses and indicators aiming to provide an overview of interactions between the environment and the economy in France. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le12/12/2017
Éric Pautard
Economic actors and environment- December 2017

The unequal capacity of households to act in favour of the environment

Éric Pautard

Citizens are regularly asked to do their share to reduce the environmental impact of their daily activities. A survey found that the households most inclined to change their behaviour are those already convinced of the importance of environmental issues. By focusing on disparities between different categories of the population, the survey shows that the ability to act in favour of the environment has more of an influence on households’ behaviour than their income level. Many surveys show that they take account of environmental criteria in their everyday choices, but numerous factors hinder them from effectively changing their habits. Whether at home, travelling or shopping, they are more or less intensely involved in favour of the environment by adjusting to the structural constraints they encounter.

Insee Références

Paru le :12/12/2017