Enterprises in France Edition 2017

This new edition of Enterprises in France in the Insee Références collection provides a complete structural overview of our productive system. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le07/11/2017
Christophe Bellégo, Vincent Dortet-Bernadet, Guillaume Gilquin, Marine Tépaut
Les entreprises en France- November 2017

What collaborative ventures between businesses and research organisations are supported by the authorities?
Two examples of assistance measures

Christophe Bellégo, Vincent Dortet-Bernadet, Guillaume Gilquin, Marine Tépaut

In 2005, two measures were introduced to support collaborative research and development (R&D) between businesses and research organisations, one of them run by the National Research Agency (ANR) and the other by the Single Inter-Ministry Fund (FUI). These measures pursue complementary objectives; the ANR subsidises work more focussed on basic research and the FUI supports more applied R&D activities. Projects supported by the ANR are, on average, smaller than those run by the FUI (five partners as opposed to seven); they have relatively more research organisations and the R&D expenditure per partner is almost three times lower. However, the selection process partly makes up for these differences: among the projects submitted to it, the ANR tends to select those of a larger size, while the FUI adopts projects giving greater prominence to research organisations.

Insee Références

Paru le :16/11/2017