French economy - Accounts and files 2017 Edition

Using the national accounts, French Economy – Accounts and Reports presents a summary of economic developments in France and worldwide, and analyses during the past year.

As every year, the French economy - Accounts and Records summarizes the essential movements affecting the French and global economies during the past year. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

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Paru le :Paru le05/09/2017
Benjamin Vignolles - Clément Bortoli, Nicolas Boudrot, Clément Guillo
L'économie française - Comptes et dossiers- September 2017

Growth in world trade at its weakest since 2009 - In 2016, GDP increased by 1.2%, while household purchasing power accelerated

Benjamin Vignolles - Clément Bortoli, Nicolas Boudrot, Clément Guillo

In 2016, world activity progressed at an almost identical rate to that in previous years: +3.2% after +3.3% in 2015 and +3.5% in 2014. It slowed down in the advanced economies, but picked up somewhat in the emerging countries after a sharp slowdown last year (Figure 1): Chinese economic growth levelled out after declining for five years, while activity contracted less sharply than in 2015 in Brazil and Russia, major commodity exporters.

Growth slowed in the advanced economies (+1.7% after +2.0% in 2015), essentially due to the United States (+1.6% after +2.6%) where corporate demand decelerated significantly, especially in the mining sector. UK growth remained buoyant, although slightly less so than the year before (+1.8% after +2.2%). Growth stabilised in Japan (+1.0% in 2016 after +1.1% in 2015 and +0.2% in 2014). In the Eurozone, the recovery was confirmed: +1.6% after +1.5%. (The complete version of this article is not available in English)

In 2016, the growth rate in France hardly increased at all: +1.2% in volume after +1.1% in 2015. This was nevertheless the strongest growth since 2011 (Figure 1). Domestic demand excluding changes in inventories accelerated sharply (contributing +2.1 points to GDP growth in 2016 against +1.3 points in 2015), driven by households: their consumption gained momentum (+2.3% after +1.4%) in the wake of their purchasing power and their investment rebounded after falling back for several years (+2.4% after -2.1%). On the government demand side, general government consumption picked up slightly (+1.3% after +1.1%) while the decline in the volume of government investment virtually ceased (-0.1% after -3.0%). Finally, investment by non-financial enterprises accelerated a little more (+3.6% after +3.1%).

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Paru le :14/11/2017