Growth tested by uncertainties Conjoncture in France - December 2016

Vladimir Passeron - Dorian Roucher - Vincent Dortet-Bernadet - Pauline Meinzel

In France, domestic demand is expected to drive GDP growth, which should stand at +0.4% in Q4 2016 then maintain virtually the same pace in H1 2017. The growth overhang for 2017 is expected to be +1.0% mid-year, like one year previously. Foreign trade should stop negatively affecting growth in H1 2017. Total employment is expected to grow by almost 190,000 jobs in 2016, and then by 70,000 jobs in H1 2017, while the unemployment rate should fall slightly, reaching 9.8% in mid-2017, against 10.0% in the summer of 2016.

Bertrand Marc and Bruno Patier
Conjoncture in France- December 2016