Household income and wealth 2016 Edition

With “Household income and wealth” INSEE presents the main indicators and analyses on household monetary inequalities, poverty and wealth. More information is available only in French on the French pages of the website.

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Paru le :Paru le28/06/2016
Antoine Boiron, Michel Huwer, Julie Labarthe
Les revenus et le patrimoine des ménages- June 2016

Inequalities in standards of living and poverty in 2013

Antoine Boiron, Michel Huwer, Julie Labarthe

In 2013 in Metropolitan France, the median standard of living of the population stood at 20,000 euros a year. This was virtually unchanged, in constant euros, from 2012, in line with a downward trend since 2008. Over five years between 2008 and 2013, the median standard of living lost 1.1%. However, this was a fairly moderate decline compared with levels observed in other European countries. Between 2008 and 2011, inequalities widened considerably with the impact of rising unemployment. From 2011 to 2013, standards of living declined for the wealthiest, mainly due to a downturn in financial income, whereas the standard of living of the poorest improved slightly. Over this second period inequalities were reduced, cancelling out the 2008-2011 increase. All in all, since 2008, the first standard of living decile fell by 3.5% in constant euros. In 2013, the poverty line, which corresponds to 60% of the median standard of living for the population, stood at 1,000 euros per month. Poverty affected 8.6 million people, or 14.0% of the population. This proportion fell back slightly in 2012 and 2013 (-0.4 then -0.3 points), but over five years, poverty increased by 0.7 points, deviating from its previous downward trend. This rise in poverty, which is more moderate than elsewhere in Europe, mainly active affects households, especially manual workers, single-parent families and large families.

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Paru le :28/06/2016