Économie et Statistique n° 483-484-485 - 2016 The overhauled Census: progress in methodology and contribution to knowledge

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le28/04/2016
Pascale Breuil-Genier, Guillemette Buisson, Isabelle Robert-Bobée et Loïc Trabut
Economie et Statistique- April 2016

The Family and Housing Survey is associated with the 2011 Census: how do we adapt to the new annual survey methodology and what are the advantages?

Pascale Breuil-Genier, Guillemette Buisson, Isabelle Robert-Bobée et Loïc Trabut

Surveys specifically on the family have been associated with the population census since 1954. The change in the census method, with a transition to producing annual sample surveys, has led to a review of the methodology for the associated surveys. The 2011 Family and Housing Survey was the first to be combined with the new census. It has been possible to test the feasibility of such a combination and to put the associated data collection protocol in place, with no negative impact on the census. Like previous Family surveys, this survey provides additional information (e.g. number of people in a Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS) or blended families) and a better understanding of the census results (comparison of responses from the same people in the two sources).

Economie et Statistique

No 483-484-485

Paru le :28/04/2016