Employment and income of self-employed workers 2015 Edition

This issue of the “Insee Références” collection offers a new look at self-employed workers, a category united by the absence of a subordination relationship.

Insee Références
Paru le :Paru le11/02/2015
Pierre Lamarche, Maud Romani
Emplois et revenus des indépendants- February 2015

The assets of self-employed workers

Pierre Lamarche, Maud Romani

In early 2010, the gross assets of households where at least one person has a self-employed activity were 595,600 euros on average, compared to 197,400 euros for other households. While this difference resulted partly from professional assets, it remained nonetheless significant for private assets alone. For the same characteristics, and especially for a given income and age, self-employed households had 84% more gross private assets than other households. The composition of gross private assets in self-employed households was similar to that of other households. They more often owned their primary residence and had a larger property portfolio, but this was primarily due to their amount of total assets. Similarly, their financial wealth was higher on average but its structure was broadly comparable to that of other households. However, they hold a larger proportion of securities than other households. Finally, while transfer by inheritance or gift may be an important step in the settlement process for self-employed workers, its weight in their wealth was close to what it is for other households.

Insee Références

Paru le :11/02/2015