French economy - Accounts and files 2015 Edition

“French economy - Accounts and files” presents every year a summary of the evolutions of French and international economies. Based on national accounts, this book analyses the main events which happened in 2014.

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Paru le :Paru le12/06/2015
L'économie française - Comptes et dossiers- June 2015

Themed information sheets - French economy - Accounts and files - Insee Références - 2015 Edition

21 sheets: Employment - Unemployment - Household income and wealth - Household consumption - Price levels and standards of living in the European Union - Branches of activity - Investment - Competitiveness and market shares - Trade with the rest of the world - Financial account of balance of payments - Non-financial corporations - Taxes and social contributions - Net borrowing of general government - General government debt - General government expenditure by purpose - Financial intermediaries - Insurance companies - Issue of securities by resident agents - National wealth - Debt of non-financial agents - Sustainable development indicators

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Paru le :12/06/2015