Économie et Statistique n° 464-465-466 - 2013 Inequalities and Discriminations: measurement issues - Indirect approaches: discrimination as an unexplained component of inequalities - Experimental approach: the contribution of testing - Subjective approaches: measuring felt discriminations

Economie et Statistique
Paru le :Paru le10/04/2014
Emilia Ene Jones
Economie et Statistique- April 2014

Discrimination in hiring of young people in Île-de-France: does a better qualification compensate for North African origin?

Emilia Ene Jones

Using testing, we evaluate the scale of discrimination in hiring against young people of foreign (North African) origin in the Île-de-France region. The aim is to measure the effect of French or North African origin, crossed with the “qualification” variable, on the chances of getting job interviews in response to job offers for the position of maintenance technician. The study uses three jobseeker profiles: two young men of North African origin and one young man of French origin. We deliberately made the productive characteristics of one of the two North African candidates more impressive than that of the other two; he has a higher level of qualifications than the other two applicants. He has a vocational diploma while the other two only have the baccalaureate. 441 applications were sent in response to 147 job offers in the Île-de-France region in the period from end July 2010 to end August 2010. Our findings highlight discriminatory practice against the North African applicants. This practice is only slightly offset by the higher level of education. The better-qualified candidate of North African origin has more chance of getting a job interview than the other North African, but less than the candidate of French origin. These observations are strengthened by an analysis of the order in which answers were given to applicants. When more than one applicant was called, in the vast majority of cases it was the candidate of French origin who was called first.

Economie et Statistique

No 464-465-466

Paru le :10/04/2014